© Tom Weatherley

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Apologies for the recent run of terrible punning headlines.

Friday 25 September 2009

Mystic Blog

Nuts! Oh well, they did go for the obvious one - concentric circles! Rather brilliantly Derren has just told us that classified ads in national papers have suggested to people concentric circles. However, given that the circle is such a fundamental shape, and so much if the show lead to circles, it is not really a surprise that 35% of the audience came up with circles of some description, and ohh look! Stonehenge is arranged in circles! So are lots of things! Like the M25 (although it would have been mean to let the girl out of her tardis in the fast lane).

Still, this is a marked improvement on the lottery 'prediction' offered 2 weeks ago - predictions should really be given before the event Derren! The explanation of not being legally allowed to give predictions of the results before they are announced is complete bull, as I find it hard to believe I would be arrested for walking down the street shouting my predictions at people (at least not for the 'prediction' part).

The let down of the 'prediction' was topped by the 'being stuck to you seat' episode. The constant reminders that 'this may well NOT affect you' looked like an excuse. I have yet to meet anyone who even seemed to be slightly affected. I could quite understand around 10% of people not being able to stand up having been bored rigid.

The real trick is getting people to forget what made his shows interesting in the first place the insights into human interaction, psychology and control. This has been replaced with doodles and spinning lines.

For the record I've had a few (around the aforementioned Martin's flat) which is why I'm wasting time blogging about this nonsense. Musht not blog when pisht!

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