© Tom Weatherley

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Apologies for the recent run of terrible punning headlines.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Dark Clouds Gathering in Shepway’s Conservative Blue Sky?

Note - This is pure speculation for my own entertainment. Please feel free to comment, discuss, agree, disagree. (Please see riposte from Conservative Association Chairman Russel Tillson)

One might infer from the opening lines of Local Conservative Association Chairman Russell Tillson’s New Year statement that Conservatives had celebrated hard welcoming in 2010, and who could blame them? 2010 looks to be a bumper year for the Tories with a probable parliamentary seat and continued dominance of the local council.

Nationally, their candidate for the Folkestone and Hythe parliament seat (which has always been blue) is Damain Collins, a man of considerable pedigree, Oxford educated and listed as ‘one to watch’ in major publications. Coming from a background in PR and having previously contested Northampton North in a national election, Mr Collins has made quick work of blogging, tweeting, campaigning and meeting his way onto the local political scene.

His sitting-in on Michael Howard’s column and impressive runs of appearing in local rags has raised a few eyebrows from Lib Dems and others on the issue of fairness, but who will remember once the votes are cast and Mr Collins is off to Westminster?

To his credit, he is carving out a niche as an individual rather than merely a replacement for the incumbent Mr Howard, no mean feat given Mr Howard’s 27 years as MP. Carving out a niche might be imperative after the expenses scandals of last year, which saw Michael Howard justifying claims for gardening and housework. Sadly, we will not get to see the true effect that has had on Mr Howard’s support, as he won’t be standing. Mr Collins and all at Tory HQ must be hoping any effect is minimal.

The feeling among observers is that a prime Conservative asset has been moved to a safe Shepway seat to get to Westminster. However, Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate Cllr Beaumont’s opening statement makes the most of her 25 years in the local area, perhaps a flavour of things to come. With a directorship in London and his wife a councillor in Westminster city council, questions over Mr Collins’ commitment to Shepway are likely to dog his campaign and this could be Mr Collins’ ‘Achilles Heel.’. How he handles these stories, should they generate a negative reaction among the voters, may be cruicial and at times the local Conservative Association’s none too delicate announcements may fan the flames. It is difficult to see him losing but the last year in politics could lead to more surprises than normal on results night (or day).

Looking ahead to the 2011 local elections, Cllr Tillson is bullish about maintaining control of the district council. Ending the year with 37 out of 46 councillors the Conservatives must be in a rock solid position. Right?

Locally, as 2009 drew to a close Shepway Conservatives were gifted the decision of the government not to site a new power station at Dungeness. Basking in the (nuclear) glow of righteous indignation, they were quick to protest an unpopular decision. Even the Labour Candidate joined in. The opening of the High Speed rail link allowed Conservatives further positive press coverage, ending the year on a high.
The good end to the year glossed over the Leas Lifts stories and allegations of non-transparency which sent plenty of negative press to the Conservatives.

While so many councillors ensures control, splits could open. A few years ago a controlling group of 29 Lib Dems went into meltdown. Several Lib Dems crossed the floor to Conservatives or formed their own groups. Reasons are different depending on who you talk to, but it is hard to believe that all of the Conservative group are dyed-in-the-wool true blues.

While Conservatives vote together in Council meetings, sources say that discussions within the group over the voting can be long and hard. Sometimes councillors look uneasy as they are called to vote on contentious issues or struggle to respond to accusations of being ‘non-transparent’ such as last year’s changes to the constitution.

It is not difficult to imagine a series of difficult decisions in the next two years resulting in councillors leaving the Conservative group. Conservative Hythe Town Councillor Richard Carroll resigned in October 2009 after the District Council planning Committee voted through the Hythe Imperial plans. More councillors may follow Mr Carroll’s lead. With local elections scheduled for 2011, there’s plenty of time for hard decisions to come up – by then even the Lydd Airport applications may have been decided!

Lib Dem and other interested people claim to know several Conservative councillors who want to leave the group, but can’t for fear of destroying their own vote through criss-crossing the floor. Some commentators repeatedly assert that a return of former Shepway Lib Dem Toby Philpott, who left in fractious circumstances, as an independent PPC would be worse for the Conservatives than the Shepway Lib Dem group.

If Mr Philpott were to return to local politics, councillors who crossed the floor as a result of the fallout when he left the group could then split from the Conservatives to form a new body. For now that is pure speculation.

Other factors may play a part. Council Leader Robert Bliss lost his seat on the County Council due to UKIP taking a large section of the Conservative vote. While UKIP look unlikely to win seats nationally or locally their effect as a vote splitter could have an effect in Shepway. Of course, UKIP are not the only potential vote splitters, with the BNP having a presence in the area.

Finally, such a dominant group will naturally take most of the blame when things go wrong, in some cases unfairly. If the Hythe Sainsbury’s is a disaster, will voters realise that it was Lib Dem votes ‘wot won it’?

Shepway Conservatives are in a strong position, but as the Lib Dems found, the bigger they are the harder they fall.

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Worsley Watch - David Cameron and his band of Flagellating Zealots.

Another classic from Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Donald Worsley. While this post is essentially given over to an irate letter of the highest order, there is a counterpoint from Damian Collins at the end. Not a traditional article but frankly it's too late and I need to get to bed!

Get me to the Tax Collector

The Tories' proposals to lavish £5 billion in tax relief on married couples just shows how out of touch they are with social reality.Marriage may have been the Holy Grail of social harmony in the days of Prince Bishops and the Divine Rights of Kings, but no longer.
Happy contented families is and should be the Holy Grail of the 21st Century.

It’s families with young children we should focus our tax relief and our tax credits upon regardless of whether the children are brought up in single parent families, extended families or a same sex family environment.

Child benefit, working families tax credit and Sure Start Children’s Centres are much more deserving when it comes to spending huge amounts of public money than subsidising childless married couples for the sake of political dogma.

Telling a young mother that she should stay married to a violent husband or lose tax relief is adding insult to injury. Telling a war widow she should remarry or lose tax benefits for her family is worse than blasphemy.

And giving tax relief to married couples when in some areas of the country over 50% of children are born out of wedlock is just a cruel and shameless indictment on unmarried mothers by any other label.

Supporting families with young children must be our priority. Persuading people of the virtues of marriage is best left to the Archbishops of Canterbury and Westminster and others; not sanctimonious politicians.

Marriage should be because you truly love someone not because it comes with a tax free dowry courtesy of David Cameron and his band of flagellating zealots.

'nuff said. Damian Collins, in comments made in a *shameless plug* soon to be published interview with yours truly, disputed that the Conservative proposals on tax breaks for married or civil partnership couples  were unfair saying 'Current Labour policies offer a financial incentive to couples to split up. These proposals are seeking to correct a distortion.'

Conservative Chairman Reiterates Support for Dungeness C

Conservative Chariman and Shepway District Councillor Russell Tillson has reiterated Shepway Conservatives’ commitment to a new Dungeness C power station following a recent announcement by Shepway Liberal Democrat Leader Lynne Beaumont to hold an ‘Eco-Tourism summit’ to discuss alternative plans for Romney Marsh.

In an email to FUTS, Cllr Tillson says ‘There is little that Cllr Mrs Beaumont has said with which I disagree – except, of course, for her attempt to write Dungeness C out of the script. The importance of Dungeness cannot be understated.’

Revealing the council has commissioned a specialist report into the matter and is ‘putting enormous pressure on the government to alter its decision’, Cllr Tillson describes the power station as ‘vital’ to the local economy, stating the existing A and B stations employ over 1000 people, inject ‘over £30 million’ into the local economy, and that '9.6% of men on the Marsh work in electricity, gas and water supply, the overwhelming majority of whom work in electricity generation'.

‘This is employment we cannot do without, and Dungeness C must go ahead, since it will create employment for at least 400 people directly and probably another 100 jobs indirectly in shops, hotels and suppliers of other goods and services.

‘I don’t see tourism as an alternative to the power station, but rather as a complement. Nobody who lives on the Marsh is keener than I am to support the development of tourism. Indeed I look forward to the day when our Marsh coastline is full of hotels, B&Bs, restaurants, pubs and shops.

‘The Environment Agency, however, might have other ideas about tourist development since much of the Marsh area lies in a high risk Category 3A flood risk area.’

Noting that tourist season lasts for ‘six months at best’ and would only provide ‘low-paid’ employment, Cllr Tillson has offers to meet Cllr Beaumont to discuss the issue further.

‘Cllr Mrs Beaumont wants me to attend a meeting to debate all this. And she likes cycling. So I’ll do better than that. I invite Cllr Mrs Beaumont to join me on a day’s bike ride which will enable us to discuss her Business Plan at length, and will have the added benefit of introducing a lady from Folkestone to the various attractions across the Marsh, many of which might very well be quite new to her.’

The government’s decision to not consider Dungeness as a site for a new-build power station has provoked much comment and debate. The Liberal Democrats have been pushing for an alternative vision for the Marsh and have recently raised concerns over the future of waste storage at the site. The Conservative group is strongly in favour of a new nuclear power station.

Recently there appears to have been some softening of positions on both sides. In a similar fashion to Cllr Tillson’s comments, Cllr Beaumont recently said to Romney Marsh Times that tourism plans would ‘complement' a power station and that it is not an 'either/or decision.'

Whether Cllr Tillson and Beaumont will enjoy a bike ride together remains to be seen.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Lib Dems Softening Approach to Dungeness C?

Interesting article on Romney Marsh Times about the Lib Dem plans for an 'Eco-Tourism summit' on the Marsh.

Shepway Lib Dem leader and Parliamentary Candidate Lynne Beaumont is quoted as saying 'This is not an either/or situation whether or not the Government decides Dungeness C should go ahead, but to run alongside any decision that is made.'

This could signal a softening of the Lib Dem line to on a new power station on the Marsh. Two weeks ago the Lib Dems generated a lot of publicity claiming that Marsh residents were not being told of the decision to store intermediate-level nuclear waste onsite.

Whilst individual councillors have often stated that they are not against nuclear power in principle, the Lib Dems have not given support for a new power station. The source of much debate locally, this could be a key issue for Marsh and Shepway voters when casting votes in the upcoming national election.

The Romney Marsh Times article also has space for comments, so get involved and have your say!

Sunday, 24 January 2010

Eco-Tourism Summit for the Marsh

Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate Lynne Beaumont has called for a meeting to bring together 'all those with an interest in developing environmentally sustainable tourism on Romney Marsh'.

Scheduled for Monday,1st March 2010 at 2 pm at the RSPB reserve at Dungeness, Kent, Ms Beaumont hopes that 'local businesses, the RSPB, Natural England, Town and Parish Councils, Kent and Shepway Councils, existing tourist attractions, accommodation providers and all those with an interest and ideas to develop the Marsh tourism economy will attend.'

The future of the Marsh has been the source of much debate. The Shepway Lib Dems put forward a tourism' led vision for the Marsh following the government decision not to consider Dungeness as a site for a new-build power station. Conservatives dismissed this as 'cloud cuckoo-land' thinking.

The announcement says  'it's no use this being the idea of one group, one council, one business. It will only work with the buy-in and engagement of people and organisations across the area,' appearing to offer an olive branch to opponents. Conservative Parliamentary candidate Damian Collins has said to FUTS that he believes there is great potential for this approach, but 'you would have to work extremely hard to match the power station' in terms of economic impact.

It appears support for a new power station is stronger than support for tourism-centred plans. When asked about local support for a tourist-centred approach to the Marsh before this announcement, Ms Beaumont seemed to acknowledge this, saying 'people will come round to this idea.'

Anyone who would like to get involved can get in touch with Ms Beaumont on 07885 940 945 or email lynne@shepwaylibdems.org.uk.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Toby Or Not Toby, And Other News From The Lib Dem Frontline

Toby Philpott has still not declared whether he will run for parliament,and his latest tweet "is developing ideas to crack some tough nuts and regenerate Shepway in a sustainable way" is ambiguous.

Philpott could be something of a vote wrecker for the Lib Dem candidate Lynne Beaumont. Senior Lib dem sources have told FUTS they feel that as an independent he would have next to no effect and they are not worried. Will Philpott call their bluff?

Meanwhile, following on from the previous post, serial Lib dem tweeter and blogger Cllr Tim Prater has tweeted "Shepway Full Council meeting tomorrow at 7pm at Shepway Civic Centre. Agenda includes 3 Tory motions, just 2 seriously self-congratulatory."

Unfortunately FUTS will not be in attendance, due to a birthday meal in Dover.

As Dover is only 8 miles down the coast, the author is hopeful of spying fireworks from the Civic Chamber, or hearing faint jeers if the wind is in the right direction when it all kicks off.

Monday, 18 January 2010

Marsh Future and Shepway Roads up for Debate at Council Meeting.

The future of Romney Marsh and the Kent County Council’s (KCC) care of Shepway’s roads are to be debated at a Council meeting this Wednesday.

These and other motions, which include congratulating Hythe Council for an honour bestowed on Michael Howard, look likely to generate heated debate in the Civic Chamber.

For Opposition Business the Liberal Democrat group has raised ‘The future of tourism on Romney Marsh.’

Concerns for the Marsh economy have been growing since the government’s decision in 2009 to not consider Dungeness as a site for a new nuclear power station. The Liberal Democrats have been promoting the idea of a tourism-centred economy for the Marsh which is at odds with Conservative calls for a new power station to be built.

15 minutes is allowed for the discussion of opposition business.

The Conservative group has raised three motions.

The first calls for the council to congratulate Hythe Town Council ‘on its admirable decision to bestow the honour of Freeman of Hythe Town upon the Rt. Hon. Michael Howard QC, MP, in recognition of his distinguished and dedicated service over 27 years to the Town, and to the entire Folkestone and Hythe constituency.’

Senior Liberal Democrat sources have told FUTS of their concerns that in the 27 years of Mr Howard as Folkestone and Hythe MP, some areas of Shepway have failed to rise out of the top 10% of most deprived wards in the country.

Previous debates have seen the Liberal Democrat group accuse the Conservatives of ‘backslapping’ and their reaction to this motion may be similar.

A second motion urges Stagecoach to ensure timetables are present in all bus stops and vandalism is repaired.

The third motion ‘compliments’ and ‘congratulates’ KCC for its gritting of primary routes during the recent bad weather and is ‘grateful’ for communication with residents via radio and television.

The motion then grows more critical of the Conservative led KCC. ‘This Council, however, hopes that KCC might in future extend its activities to incorporate a rather larger number of rural country lanes, and suggests that it should reconsider its current policy where if a road is not included on a salting route it will not then be considered again until the next annual review during the following summer.

‘Once the snow and ice have finally gone, this Council hopes that KCC will turn its attention with some rapidity to the urgent and overdue repair of the growing number of potholes appearing in roads across the District. This in turn implies the need for more regular inspections and surveys, and a greater commitment to redressing the accumulating problems and hazards.’

Up to 60 minutes is allowed for each motion. Discussions on Forrester’s Way car park and land at West Hythe Beach will then be discussed without members of the press or public present due to the likely disclosure of ‘exempt information’, such as confidential commercial information.

The meeting is this Wednesday in the Council Chamber in the Civic Centre at 7pm.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Worsley Watch - Near Death Experience

Folkestone and Hythe was almost left without a Labour candidate for the seat after socialist hopeful, Donald Worsley, survived a harrowing near-death experience on the county's roads.

Mr Worsley's car cut out on the A20 between Folkestone and Dover as Mr Worsley was returning home. Unfortunately for Mr Worsley, Kent's roads and ports were free of ice, snow, operation stack and other closures, leaving him stranded as juggernauts thundered past.

FUTS is pleased to report that both Mr Worsley and car survived the incident though his thoughts on the Southeastern train service he has been forced to use are still unknown.

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Where is Toby Philpott?

Following the selection of Lynne Beaumont as Lib Dem PPC, 'Liberal Legend' Toby Philpott has been pretty quiet. A few tweets here and there and a good dollop of speculation and gossip from interested observers, but as yet nothing posted on any of his blogs since Feb last year despite earlier warnings.

Of the messages getting to FUTS, one eagle-eyed observer from the 'sixth continent' noted that http://www.libdemvoice.org/, which carried the news of Cllr Neil Matthews stepping down from the post to embarassing effect, has yet to note Ms Beaumont's selection.

Is the local candidate being shunned? Perhaps.

Maybe been once bitten on the forum, someone along the lines of Liberal communication is twice shy of placing news about Shepway's latest PPC.

Only scurrilous gossip, and as yet nothing to suggest Ms Beaumont will finish lower than second, but we wait with baited breath!

Sunday, 10 January 2010

Lynne Beaumont is Folkestone and Hythe Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate

Town, district and county councillor Tim Prater has revealed that Shepway Liberal Democrat Leader Lynne Beaumont will be the Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Folkestone and Hythe.

In a tweet on January 9, Cllr Prater wrote 'Lynne Beaumont selected as Lib Dem Parliamentary Candidate for Folkestone & Hythe. Congratulations @lynnebeaumont'.

The position has been open since late October 2009 when Cllr Neil Matthews stepped down citing personal reasons.

Cllrs Prater and Beaumont were widely regarded to be the favourites for the position. Cllr Prater counted himself out in December 2009. The position has been the subject of much speculation since the exit of former candidate Toby Philpott. Mr Philpott has not yet announced his intentions but has previously commented on the position.

Confirmed PPCs for the Folkestone and Hythe seat from the main parties are currently Damian Collins for the Conservatives, Donald Worsley for Labour and Lynne Beaumont for the Liberal Democrats.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Worries Over Storage of Waste at Dungeness

Shepway Liberal Democrat Leader Lynne Beaumont has expressed astonishment at plans to store Intermediate Level Waste (ILW) at the Dungeness A site.

A statement posted on the Shepway Lib Dem webpage on Tuesday 5 says ‘The reactor itself is classed as ILW and will be the last bit to be removed, with no time scale yet agreed for that phase of the work. Over 40 years after the building of Dungeness A, the government still does not know what to do with the waste.’

Cllr Beaumont says “Dungeness will become a nuclear dumping ground. We have always known that low level waste was going to be stored at Dungeness after decommissioning, but ILW is completely different.

“How many local people are aware of this? How do they feel about what’s happening on their doorstep, without being told? How many people will feel safe in their beds when they know this waste is being stored just down the road?"

Conservative Councillor for Romney Marsh William Richardson and Magnox South, responsible for decommissioning Dungeness A, have hit back, claiming the public were aware that ILW would be stored onsite.

In an email to From Under The Stone, Cllr Richardson wrote ‘The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority [NDA] have held public consultations in Lydd, New Romney and surrounding parish councils as well as at Shepway District Council explaining the decommissioning process and I have attended all these meetings. There was no concern from the public on the storing of ILW'.

Cllr Richardson also suggested the desire to gain votes was the reason for the statement.

‘May I suggest that the Liberals are not qualified to comment on the nuclear industry, they are scare-mongering and looking for votes preceding a looming general election!!’

In a statement to From Under The Stone, Magnox South said ‘The public were fully consulted prior to the site obtaining consent to decommission in 2006. In addition the Dungeness site stakeholder group is regularly updated on and consulted about the work on site.’

Seeking to allay fears that Dungeness would take in waste from other sites, the statement ended, ‘The bottom line is: ILW waste has always been stored on site, this is approved policy and we don't take in waste from other sites.’

Documents freely available on the NDA website dating from 2006 suggest ILW storage onsite has always been the case. Cllr Beaumont has not commented further.

The November 2009 decision by the government not to consider Dungeness as a possible site for a new build nuclear power station generated much comment locally. Generally regarded as a blow to the Marsh economy, conservative and Labour politicians were quick to condemn the decision.

The Liberal Democrat Group, which has consistently been against nuclear power, has offered alternative suggestions seeking to make the most of unique tourism opportunities available on the Marsh, which has been criticised by conservative councillors as 'cloud cuckoo land' thinking.

Eds note 08 January - information concerning other Magnox sites removed to keep length down.

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Toby Philpott Cryptic Latest

Another year rolls round, and 2010 already looks to be a corker for watchers of the Shepway body politic.

Cllr Russell Tillson has produced a strong statement for the local Conservative association, the Lib Dems are getting stuck into Dungeness once again (more on this shortly) and the Lydd airport decision is only months away.*

To cap it all, 'international man of mystery' Toby Philpott, ex PPC for Shepway Lib Dems, 'is weighing options and taking soundings in the light of information that has recently come to his attention', at least according to his latest tweet.

Perhaps it's just wishful thinking that this tweet is related to the imminent decision on the next Lib Dem PPC - definitely not Cllr Tim Prater and generally thought to be Cllr Lynne Beaumont?

Mr Philpott was ousted from this position some time ago in circumstances that remain unclear and have led to some public slanging. Last October, via the 'twittersphere', Mr Philpott made the following statement: Toby Philpott 'is putting the Liberal Democrats on warning that if the coming F&H PPC selection is a "stitch up" YOU WILL BE OPPOSED! Clear enough for you?'

Yes the pic is a shameful rehash of one I put up before - it's late.

*absolutely not a guarantee.

Snow Affecting Shepway's Roads

A snowfall this evening (Wednesday 5) is affecting travel in Shepway.
The M20 and A20 were quiet with minimal traffic flowing freely presumably due to problems in areas to the north and west of Shepway due to earlier snowfall. Radio bulletins have carried news of jacknifed lorries and motorway closures near Ashford.

From Under the Stone saw gritters out covering main routes. Drivers in the town have been keeping to around 15mph and were struggling to get up Canterbury Road and Crete Road East. No accidents were seen but conditions were extremely difficult for drivers.

Kent police are advising motorists to travel only if absolutely necessary (http://www.kent.police.uk/News/Latest_News/weather_warning.html#info).

Southeastern trains have announced their revised timetable, which greatly reduces the number of trains, will remain in place tomorrow (Thursday 6). For further information go to http://www.southeasternrailway.co.uk/.

It hasn't all been bad news. A small group was seen sledging and snowboarding down the side of Castle Hill.

Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Labour's Donald Worsley Calls For Action to Prevent Traffic Chaos

Labour Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Folkestone and Hythe Donald Worsley has called on Secretary of State for Transport Lord Adonis to visit Kent and take action to prevent traffic chaos in the region caused by bad weather.

Roads were blocked in a pre-Christmas cold snap, which was also blamed for causing trains to break down in the Channel Tunnel leaving hundreds of passengers stranded for hours.

Cold weather and snow are expected to disrupt travel this week, with South Eastern trains already having announced a much reduced service on Wednesday (http://www.southeasternrailway.co.uk/index.php/news/news_items/view/131).

In a letter to Lord Adonis, Mr Worsley urges him to ‘take decisive action now on behalf of the long suffering travellers of Kent before further snowfalls or [train] engine breakdowns ruin yet more journeys or holidays … No matter how many heads must roll at the highest level.’

Mr Worsley also criticises Kent County Council for failing to grit roads sufficiently and for blaming ‘everyone but itself for the chaos caused when Operation Stack blocks the M20 or snow brings our A & B roads to a complete standstill.’

In a press release on the Kent County Council website, Kent County Council Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Waste Nick Chard states ‘We salt the priority roads, which are about a third of the county's network – that is 1,500 miles of road. The motorways and trunk roads are salted by the Highways Agency.

‘We are mindful of how difficult it has been in the towns…but our priority has to be to keep the main roads open.’

KCC declined to respond directly to Mr Worsley’s comments.