Cllrs Beaumont and Prater are surely first in line and presumably would agree between themselves who would apply rather than risk a fall out within the group. The Herald quotes an insider; “the money’s on Beaumont.”
It appears (according to Mr Philpott) that some Lib Dem members carried out a hatchet job of some description to remove Mr Philpott around 18 month ago under fractious circumstances in what the Herald rather brilliantly terms 'Night of the Long Sandals.' Other sites and mischief makers taking an interest have noted Facebook and Twitter activity hinting at the return of Mr Toby Philpott (http://www.my-kent.com/index.php/Politics/folkestone-liberal-democrat-stands-down-as-ppc.html).
Mr Philpott himself (if it is him) has commented on Lib Dem Voice (http://www.libdemvoice.org/neil-matthews-quits-as-folkestones-lib-dem-candidate-16668.html), an independent website, with the ominous "If the candidate selection/imposition is a “stitch up” then I put the Party on warning. You will be opposed." This comment appears to have riled Lib Dem Hythe Councillor Sam Matthews who in defending his father's record appears to question Mr Philpott's mental state and membership. This leads onto a rather ugly, if colourful, exchange of views between Sam Matthews, Mr Philpott and third party 'Richard.'
Given the similarity between the views of 'Richard' and those expressed in http://www.my-kent.com/, it would appear Sam Matthew's accusation to 'Richard' that 'you are a creation of an obviously disgruntled ex-member’s mind' is somewhat wide of the mark, although it is impossible to judge the truth behind any comments contained in the thread.
From Under the Stone emailed Sam Matthews to ask if he thought the comments in this post were reasonable, but has yet to recieve a reply.
Regardless of the rights and wrongs, this is most certainly not smart politics. The news of Neil Matthews standing down as PPC, exchanges like this and the possible return of a vote splitter is surely music to Conservative PPC Damian Collins' ears, although he hardly needs the help!
And who said politics was dull?
To apply for PPC position: http://shepwaylibdems.org.uk/news/001666/folkestone_and_hythe__ppc.html
Edit 17 November - Cllr Sam Matthews has been in touch. For this post From Under the Stone emailed Cllr Matthews on the sam@shepwaylibdems.org.uk address as listed on their website. Unfortunately due to a technical error he did not recieve this email. Cllr Matthews has contacted From Under the Stone to say if this had not occured he would have responded earlier.
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